Basketball Mentality for Beginners

Article by Verlyn Tan

“If you are going to be afraid to fail, then you are probably going to fail” - Kobe Bryant

You could hear your heart thumping in your chest loudly, wrangling your hands in an futile attempt to calm ourselves down. You could feel your legs shaking slightly, with a million thoughts threatening to drown you in your own mind, as you walked towards the basketball court. You considered possibilities of yourself messing up from tripping over your own foot, to accidentally bonking your coach on the head with a wayward basketball. 

In fact, the only reason that you are turning up could be because a friend invited you there, or that you decided to pluck up the courage to try out a sport that you wanted to try.

As a beginner or someone that may not be sure of their skill level, it is common to be shy, to be nervous, or scared to try. But what we often fail to realize is that the biggest obstacle to hinder us from trying is ourselves.

“If you are going to be afraid to fail, then you are probably going to fail” - Kobe Bryant

All your fears may boil down to a simple reason: you are scared of failure, of judgment, and of people’s impression of you. You don't want to appear weak or inferior to others, you are afraid of what people might say about you behind your back if you mess up. Most importantly,you wanted to fit in. But the hard truth is: Nobody Cares! You are here to learn and everybody makes mistakes. That’s what coaches and teammates are for anyways, to guide you and help you get better.

So don’t let your minds limit ourselves and by taking the step to try is already a very big plus! It may be hard, but stop thinking, trust your body to react accordingly, and enjoy the joy of playing basketball. Let nature take its course, and give yourself a chance to discover your potential (and new friends too!)

If you would like to take that first step, we are more than honored to grow with you! 

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